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Insaltd | Electrolyte Mix

110947 SKU : 

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High-Potency Hydration Packets


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We purposefully set out to pack Insaltd with more electrolytes than any other brand. Why? Because, as athletes, you likely need way more electrolytes (salts) to hydrate optimally.

The main reason most other brands have less than 50% of the electrolytes is that electrolytes typically taste like %$#% — unless you like the taste of seawater. The alternative is to stuff it full of sugar, artificial sweeteners or stevia to make it palatable.

At Insaltd, we found a better way. Our formulation uses the revolutionary zero-calorie, plant-derived sweetener Glyvia™ that helps support healthy blood sugar and insulin response while also enhancing nutrient absorption. It has been approved by Health Canada as a dietary supplement and it is the primary reason we can get so many hydrating electrolytes in our naturally-flavored formula and still deliver a great-tasting drink.



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