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Prairie Naturals | Hair Force

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Prairie Naturals Hair-Force synergistically combines 22 natural nutrients recognized for their role in restoring, repairing and nourishing hair.
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Hair-Force; Love Your Hair!

Create beautiful, healthy hair from within. Prairie Naturals Hair-Force synergistically combines 22 natural nutrients recognized for their role in restoring, repairing and nourishing hair. Now you can stimulate maximum growth of the hair follicle while minimizing hair loss. The combined effect of these vitamins, minerals and nutrient co-factors directly counteracts the hair-damaging negatives caused by stress, illness, hormonal imbalances and other health and environmental concerns.

Vitamin D3 – stimulates hair growth

In the last few years scientists have found that vitamin D3 “dramatically” stimulates hair growth! This “vitamin” is actually a hormone and it suddenly turned into a nutritional superstar when several studies from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that North Americans were seriously deficient in this health-protective vitamin. One study published in 2001 showed that even while taking a 1000 IU vitamin D supplement, fewer than half of the Canadian participants were getting enough to achieve optimal blood levels.

Vitamin B Complex – provides a metabolic tune-up

Dr. Bruce Ames – the world’s leading researcher in the field of anti-aging, free radicals and antioxidants – calls the B vitamins, particularly B6, B12 and folic acid key to “metabolic harmony and disease prevention.” He refers to their role in optimizing health as a “metabolic tune-up.”

Selenium – fights environmental damage to hair

This powerful antioxidant and anti-aging mineral protects against environmental toxicity and is instrumental in thyroid hormone metabolism, both of which impact on hair health and vitality.

Zinc – prevents or minimizes hair loss

Zinc insufficiencies are not uncommon in North America. Low levels of dietary zinc in humans and animals delay growth and healing. Several animal studies have shown that inadequate zinc intake corresponds to hair loss. The School of Medicine at the University of Miami (July 2000) found a direct correlation to alopecia (hair loss) and zinc deficiency.




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